Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thoughts For Contemplation

HIM: Anyway when I originally took my phone out to text u I was gonna say........

(30 mins later)
HIM: Anyway when I originally took my phone out to text u I was gonna say........

ME: There was a sheriff following the bus.. i wonder.. lol. Alot. Hmm we forgot to put up the blankets. And it seems like someones needing to be acknowledged. U sent it 2x. :-D well damn i guess i need to believe it. Humility says 'i am whatever u say i am, if i wasnt then why would i say i am, in the paper, the news everyday i am, i dont know thats just the way i am!'

HIM: Lol 'I'm so sick and tired of being admired that I wish that I would just die or get fired'

ME: That sounds sad.. i could imagine the pressure,
......being admired but still feeling no relief inside because you r fighting ur own inner fires... and so many dont understand so they call u crazy, criticize, wonder why u cant just appreciate the admiration ... and the whole time they are not getting the point that they keep making/taking everything personal, like its a crime to not reciprocate their behavior or actions, in a timely fashion, or the way they want it....  when the fact remains that we always get to choose, and neither controls the other, so take it or leave it ..... but affirmation comes only when one believes in one self, and if we are all one then they are a reminder of what you've done or could do, so you write these things down, looking at self, trying to express and create, what they choose to hate because you no longer exceed their expectation, give them the rush they want to feed themselves, so they judge before they realize the damage they done.. to OURSELVES.

Thankyou for the mental stimulation!
Eminem - 'The Way I Am'

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