Saturday, December 21, 2013

Instigate a Mind Fuck

I like that word. LOVE the ideas my mind plays with when pondering that word.
Love words ..creating images.. changing them, shaping them, molding.
Love not understanding til you do.
Love being instigated ...(is that proper use? Lol expand in it anyway)

Lately it has occurred to me that ...I can choose to see ecstasy in words.. feel ecstasy with words. Stories can be wonderful or tormenting or wonderfully tormenting ....choose. The macro can excite the fascination of your own bewilderment; yet the micro focus reveals it is mere verbal cognition,  that stimulates a reaction. Words you give the meaning.
Be proactive. Love it. Get enthused. Be amused. Choose.

Soon you stop choosing and... well.. you may be in love with words... find yourself sexually stimulated with people who can engage your mind so much that you love claiming ignorance when you listen to them speak... write.. sing. They offer a gift for you to unwrap when your inquisitive self won't stop feeding. Their words mentally bitch slap you, demanding your attention; turning you on in every which way... you almost beg for more (consciously and unconsciously).
Heart racing
Body sweaty

...built up heavy

Pleeeeease continune, I'm not finished
Tell me again
The idea hasn't peaked
Throw in volume, rhythm, colors, tone
Paint me a picture
Throw me in overload

Best thing about this deeper awareness, is that YOU create it all! Not them.
Change your mind and change it again! Think, create, expand.... instigate!
Play nice
.....or not. ;-)

Cheers! Xmas! Love love!

P.s. Dance even if no one else can hear your tune... it's liberating!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Go against the grain. Proof you never know what to expect.

Proof that going against the grain can still be fruitful!!!

Real application filled out by an elderly and was hired for his hilarity!

(Neighbor printed it out for me to remind me to keep pushing forward and enjoy every moment! Never really know what may come out of it!)




Monday, December 9, 2013

Free Audiobook / ebook "AS A MAN THINKETH" - James Allen

Free audiobook + ebook of AS A MAN THINKETH by James allen

Come enlighten yourself with this free Audiobook!!! Many more awesome classics!

My heart rejoices as in with all the focused effort.. i shall not be of greater purpose than that of mother teaching her child the wisdom of how to master himself...create his life... bow to his own struggle and learn from himself in grace and peace and forgiving love that spouts from his own cultivated thoughts. We are one step further.. as he willingly joined me, listening to the audiobook "AS A MAN THINKETH" James allen

So the story begins..

My mind won't sit still!
I run through so many to-dos, past events, probably, faces of emotion without names, what if and where do I begin?! Many sequences replaying while desperately trying to check any missing details as frames freeze in minds eye point of view. My heart pulsates the warm blood through my veins faster.. faster! I question if it's anger or a misinterpreted heat advancement of pure adrenaline as my soul longs to rest with gentle forward movements, but the more my mind flutters the more everything awakens to the reality of being alive.

How does one control this power?

I have watched myself flip-flop in loving torment as the scales of balance never seem quite accurate.

Struggle doesn't seem quite the fit of this aware understanding. Flowing seems too passive in any approach.

And then, the foggy gray misty sky, somehow convinces self to soothe in safety of a suppressing barrier. Subdued momentarily, this lavishing chaos.

She smiles.

The rain begins to pour...  inside her head.


I have an obsession with chewy chocolate chip cookies!

Mmmm that sweet, yummy, chunky, chewy, chocolaty, ewwww goodness!
Chewy chocolate chip cookies!!!!

Oh my of all the things i could write about.. I stuck with these new hunger pain for a sugar overdose. Great! (I wonder if sarcasm should be a new hobby as ive been picking up on that today.. (kids movies even))

Ahh laid here 30 mins in the dark conversating the perpetual stories with myself ...again I see cookies. Mm great for a smile, as i have trained myself to crack out in laughter or shift an uneasy focus instantly with just the mere mention to the word cookie (yep there's that smile)... but dang.. no sweets to midnight snack on and ...uhhps im already giggling.

I wonder if anyone else would be willing or already does.. spend like ..umm 100.00 straight just on cookies, so they can have one always on hand

Okay, so it seems we may have a ruling on subject matter.. as my daughter decided to roll to her back, swat her hand down and protest a loud NOOO!
Shes sleeping.. and i think I 've been mumbling all this in my head..
Can she read my mind..? 'dundundundunnnnnn'

Actually I do believe that No was meant for the kitten that is trying to snuggle in the middle of us 2 in bed. We still have our legs intertwined  together,  but my arm needed breathing room as I meticulously peck at these screened key on my cell phone. (Err kris why do you insist on doing things the difficult way?.. lol don't answer that.)

Cookie! ;-)

Ahh yes, my dear cookies! I will come get you and savor every morsel that passes my lips.

Just let me get better.. and my daughter. We are both sick. I have atleast thanked the moment, allah, god, the spiritual realm.. ---- fill in the blank with what you prefer... yes thanked that 500 times this past week. Thanked them all.. for my bed! Then, the kids, cats.. err catdog daisy, heat, togetherness, love, tender smiles and lots of giggles whenever we were awake to attempt to eat! Almost cried tears of sweet joy when I awoke and both my babies were cuddled so tightly, wrapping arms, holding me... and a kitten at my head, yawning her morning breath at me! (Yeah, that smell will stop ya in flowing though for a moment)

Most if all I was thankful for SLEEP. I MEAN SOLID FUCK-YOU I AM NOT GETTING UP kind of sleep.. well me allowing myself the time to heal with sleep and making my kids relax to sleep..(moreso d for tt was ready)

And Orion has jumped up searching for my hands. A picture of my big baby Onyx flashed... brothers.. hmmm
Onyx passed last month.. i love you! My baby!

Yep and another kitten.. what the? She came and smelled my eyeball. Don't ask.. i have no idea.. whatsoever! Just checking on me, I guess..

I'm hungry.. cookieeeeeees!
