Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Just breathe

Just breathe..

Take a slow deep breathe! Ahh yes.. that is life..
More important.. that heartbeat or breathe? Few mins without oxygen and you can become brain dead..

I awoke to my 5yr old daughter wheezing.. lungs just a rattling. My heart stops and mind races to where i put her emergency inhaler. I pray it hasn't gotten moved out of place.

Thankgod it's there, but 2 puffs has only done half the job. A breathing treatment is in order.  Where is panda?  Pause

She is fighting this one.. unintentionally as i have not made her fully awake. I hold mr elephant mask over her face as she dreams ..breathing ..breathing in medicine. I watch her chest..

My angel, so much life, such a personality!

Reactive Respiratory Disease what doctor calls it.. ..(&$#&**$#) my frustration calls it. Why? Why not? Shes too young side cries. Quick healer.. another side trys to calm me. Give it to me, I'll suffer for her.... all of me cry (tears start with that one)

Im distracted from my mental battle as i hear her lips smack..and there she goes rubbing her nose. Im brought back to yesterdays image ..blood everywhere from a nose bleed ..stupid cold weather!

I think of Hawaii.. lol actually i'd be quite satisfied anywhere near water and 70 degree consistency. Hawaii just brings fun imagery of hula skirts and me trying to learn the cultural dances!! My daughter would be there dancing right along ..son.. well he wont admit it til he is doing it..but he would dance too. Of course he'd be throwing his own mix.. (i have videos of this).

There you go.. smile and embrace the blessings of children.

"I'm so sorry," people say...
Don't be.. i love being the one to take care of her. I know I am giving my all. Pray and send love to her..

She turns to cuddle my side just now. Can she feel this outpour.. this energy?

She is struggling alot less.. thankyou. I don't usually like to talk about the health issues ..mostly because there is nothing more to do than what we already. Annnd I'm a bigger believer on WHERE YOUR FOCUS GOES, THERE IT WILL GROW. Well ..the moment calls for focus but afterwards worry and over concern is futile. I do not want to bubble her from people .. the list of reasons are many from building germ resistance to the loving spirit she brings to everyone.

School full of kid sickness and this weather seems to be triggers. At home, during summer she is fine. Last yr was the same.. and dang the prek schooling she missed. Already 12 days missed this yr and full winter has not hit.

-sigh- oh that breath.. deep breath ...

I got lost watching her again..her lip quiver and eyes dance under her eyelids.. take note of the rain.. the kittens with mama luna.. lol sophia asleep in tts open dresser drawer.. daisy curled up on top of a shirt... panda bear smiling

EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT.. a musical symphony strikes up inside.

Think I'll try to catch a few zzz's with ..less than 1hr til wake up! Errr! Please music wake me well.

Gonna be alright.. ;-)


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The voices..

Here's a good thing to try.. if you get bored in a store!

When someones voice comes on over the store intercom...
1.suddenly stop( I like to make some weird screech or noise just to make sure you grab someones attention)..

2.Look around in terror.. maybe lower yourself a little..

3. Whine..scream.. whisper to a holler.. (add your own creative drama here) and say.. "Ahhh the voices.. they just wont leave me alone!!!!!"

If you crumple and cover your head you may get a few people to console.."ahh sweetie, its ok. It's just the loudspeaker."
-milk it and act totally aware of this phenomenon
-have fun with it.. extend the drama and ball up on the floor. Or some crazy spaz.

When your bored with that.. jump up and take your bow.. dont wait for applause.. just taking in the many freaked faces and giggle while you skip away!
(Watch out for the purse swat if it was an elderly..annoyed)

-OR THANK her or whomever and announce to everyone that she/they? ? deserve a medal of honor for their heroic caring heart..where fear or judgement or amusement of ones demise could not contain the urge to help with loving compassion!!
(In short love surpassed self)

Talk about a movement...

Oh my goodness.. my mind just flooded with stories of the store!!!

Did I tell you about the time barbie overcame army men in lego land?

-yes barbie was still in the box
-no we did not open the net bag..the army men were already spilling out
-yes we did take the plastic strap off the lego box (other one was off already) they slip right back on..
-yes we opened the legos and sat in the isle for an hour or more building property n sorts

THANKS TO THE FEW PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T TELL OR COMPLAIN ON ME AND MY KIDS.. Even deeper thanks to those who let their kids join for a moment.

And my cell is dying... Smile

Ps.. didn't get in trouble.. the store person just asked me to clean up
(consequences are not always what we think they will be.. either way you choose how you feel about them.. thats what makes them good or bad)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Ideas of things to do with your kids

Tents (any blanket will do)
- Ghost stories under covers with a flashlight!
-Water Balloon Fight
- Pillow fight
– Slip & Slide Down a Hill
- Plastic storage container sled in snow
– Go on a bike ride
– Pack a picnic & walk to the park
– Nature Walk
– Campout in the backyard
– Go to the Splash Pad
–Get creative with sidewalk chalk
– Blow bubbles
– Go to the Zoo
– Fly kites
– Visit a farm
– Go to the farmer’s market
– Go fishing
– Make homemade popsicles
–Catch bugs
– Go on a treasure hunt
– Set up a playdate at the park
– Play frisbee
–Play 4 square or dodgeball
– wash the car
–Go swimming
– Go on a scavenger hunt
–Visit a local state park
– Set up a lemonade stand
– Feed the ducks
- Pillow fight!
– Go to story time @ library
– Visit a fire department
– Go to a local museum
–Make sock puppets
– Make racecars out of cardboard boxes – Learn some jokes and do stand up comedy at home
– Become a pen-pal
– Make homemade play-doh
–Have an “Un-birthday” party
– Play dress up
– Go bowling
– Build a fort use the kitchen table
– Have a pajama party with popcorn and movies
– Bake some yummy cookies
– Go to a child’s indoor gym
– Put on a puppet show
– Go to the movies
– Go to Grandma’s house
–Have a dance party
– Visit a nursing home
–Cook together
– Color
– Make finger puppets
– Indoor obstacle course
- Obstacle course for pets

Love that smile

Holy shit!

Yes i said and ..ill say it again. Holy shit! Goshhh that feels good! I wrote some awesome stuff.. i tried to go with the flow.. breathe it out. Come back to it later.. ahhhhhhh

Lol no really lol. I guess i still got some work to do buddha, thac.. ..hanh dude whose name i can never remember. And i refuse to save this post so i can look it up ...cuz i did save with the previous.. but came back to all my writing missing. Posted any how... err

And that was one big run on sentence in my mind.

Although ... thankyou. This is an awesome learning experience. And it got me thinking about outlets.. emotional outlets. Which connected to another to another ...thoughts saved for later...

Im gonna say it. Holy shit!!!!



Makes me think of a song..


2% through the daily THANKS by Thai, Zen on Kindle for Android!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Just begin ...again

I am creative energy
Paused in breath
Amped and ready
When I say yes
I am flowing thought
Bountiful and free
Expressed in action
Life in and out of thee
I am a pLaYfUl child
Born of wonder and delight
Exploring with my senses
Energy Unite
Intensive pleasure
A passionate Radiant being
One cannot begin to measure
I am soft and flowing
Elegantly Bright
Gracefully dancing
In the golden light
I am in-tuned and mystical
An adventurous creature
Grounded while flying
My magnetic feature
Only a breath
LABEL me whatever
I'll simply say Yes
...And then I'll begin again..
CaReFrEe me
Inspired while dancing to Lindsey Sterling - ELEMENTS
Watch "Elements - Lindsey Stirling (Dubstep Violin Original Song)" on YouTube