Mind going a million miles.. full if grand ideas. Desires pouring out ...soooo excited I wanna cry!
I wanna dance and I wanna show the world! INSPIRE others to open up their MIND BODY SOUL spirit.
I wanna read a million books, get lost in an island of fantasy, learn the ideas of the greats and write my own story..stories!!!! (That counts as 2 right?)
Ok ... read- experience
Write my own
I want to mother.. a natural thing for me...
Kids and animals.. guide with love, encourage them to not limit their dreams and passions!
Plants and greenery.. i can sit for hours talking to the plants....giving off my loving energy!
(Don't be so quick to judge.. there are studies of growth in plants in a household full of loving talk, hugs, giggles, playful caring vs a house full of arguing, tension, yelling, screaming, fighting. Which house do u think the plants thrived longer in?)
I want to connect but not lose myself like I often do, when I listen to those voices in my head that say Im unworthy, or stupid because I upset someone. I KNOW I AM NONE OF THOSE AND LEARNING THOSE WORDS WERE POINTLESS.. i shall ask why when i hear people speak them!!!
Write about vocabulary ..and why or why not to keep expanding. Vent my confusion with the paradox of this feat.. and since neither can be prevented on global level..or can it.. haha limitless. Well, individual choice it what everything boils down too.
There is no thought of the world, idea, view, words to communicate.. without the self first. If you never expanded... if you didnt know you.. oh my goodness
I keep picturing a baby watching the world..with eyes wide open! A mind at ease, in a sense of no vocabulary, no words for that voice in their brain to vocalize a thought..
But what do u teach? The brain wants to know, do more, explore more.. naturally, so it will pick something up. Environment can be limited for young but how does one start an enlightened adventure for them.. can I even say that? Lol I just did but enlightenment is of self.. awareness.. gzzz how do i word that? I can not know it for them.. they will know it for themselves and dig further with their own questions..own quest.
Aww then my heart aches.. for those little children who grow up only knowing limits or an angry home or violence and hate or too busy parents... too busy to talk about love and freedom of choice and respect but NOT losing your voice..or your right to learn from experience and form your own opinion!!!
...I used to think that not being able to remember much of my childhood past was a problem throughout the yrs.. (I was taught that) .. but now I'm thankful. I NO LONGER LIVE THERE INSIDE..THAT IS WHY IT LEAVES ME. I AM HERE IN THE PRESENT shaping my future. Even as I write.. I know I'm choosing this ..even now.. now..haha.
I also know past still flares up quite often, and disconnecting the emotions as I view those experiences, is getting easier.
I think about when my son had therapy.. (awesomely nice ladies!!!! Thankyou) :-)
Umm yeah.. haha drifted on them a bit
But .. therapy.. there was this time when they were focused on him learning emotions.. expressing them, labeling them, recognizing it in others, etc. Amongst all that, I hoped I could help him see that our job is not to always guess what someone is feeling. Assuming someones emotions is not always a good thing, and asking gives that person a chance to clarify or recognize their own.
(haha "always, never". Those words are losing their edge. Time to redefine them into my meaning)
...(gzzz and suddenly "being a leader" takes on another meaning)
Sooo my head hurts.. and I really want to create a new project to change things up for my kids. ENCOURAGE GROWTH OF UPLIFTING AND ...dare i say it.. POSITIVE VOCABULARY, SO MAYBE THAT VOICE IN THEIR HEAD CAN BEGIN TO USE THOSE WORDS INSTEAD OF THOSE ...UMM errr negative words.
Gzz i need to come to terms with those words. Still trying to reframe their meaning in my own sense.
See good/bad, right/wrong, positive/negative... Inside i see them as labels to simplify or generalize most things that are just self preferences of LIKING OR DISLIKING something. Unfortunately, I can't help but notice how people get so hell bent(upset) of the idea of what they believe is good/bad etc, etc.
It's choice.. individual choice! Omy.. another moment. A rush of Buddha, Thich nhat, Jesus, Deepak..(and Oprah.. lol yes you have been more in focus with this 21 day Meditation Challenge!)
And, Everyone who mentions PEACE. The possibility is there.. but the idea of it has to change. With freewill there is choice for everything. No one can control anyone.. ONLY YOU CONTROL YOURSELF! <----I have often spoke of this.... but now... "peace must start within for any chance of world peace", absolutely makes sense!
LOL and I'm back where I started..
Now i want to quote that one .... umm through all our travels.. we shall come back to the beginning seeing it for the first time.
FLOW.. NOTICE AND GO.. TO LET GO ..DON'T JUDGE .. Listen and go..
Learning to flow is essential in the concept of peace.. meditation.. and my mind just flooded with a million thoughts..
Ohhh i want to play with those thoughts, but my head feels like its going to explode!!! AND I tell my mind to quiet.. but, "hurt so bad that it feels so good"..haha, keeps playing.
What do i want?
Come join me in DAY 3 of the CHOPRACENTERMEDITATION.com
Mmm a song chimed in.. Dance? Dance first. ;-)
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