Sunday, November 3, 2013



Dance.. I want to dance all the time! Please put a radio station tuner in my brain so I can have music playing all the in the background.. dance to the beat of my own drum.... lol or whatever song I tune into. Volume would be on one side of my cheek or neck or ear... stations tuned by the other side.

Haha this started while I was doing an online test to finding my passion.
The more I wrote about all the awesome stuff in life, the more my mind kept adding the creativity inside. Wow I really am blessed cuz if find life a blast if im doing nothing or everything.. messy or structured.. over here over there... so asking what I love to do or what takes me away from the notice of time... name it, I bet if you showed me the ropes or gave access to reading up on it.. id be great and enjoy anything!

Errr sooooo what do I reeeeeally want to do? Gzz alot.. and I might have to start with what I don't want to do. I know they say stay at the positive wording.. like "state it as 'I want to be happy and carefree' vs 'I don't want to be stressed' "...but seriously I need to work on clearly identifying what bothers me cuz when you are internally happy for no reason .. it's hard to hold on to any issues. Or maybe it's that I don't stay in that mind frame for I just begin to go again and do what needs to be done.. at my pace. Hmmm or maybe its just how I feel at the moment.. clarity will come.

Anyways my mind keeps playing this song and when I read that question.. "IF YOU HAD ONE WISH... ", I scanned my brain and saw only music and wanted to sway.. so I expressed my passion for dance again and when I have my ear phones on as I jog or walk or where-ever doing whatever.. music in the background just makes it all extra exciting!!!

Ok now all I want to do is ..1.share the song or vid (I will find a way if I really want it!)  2. Watch it ..3. Play it loud and get lost in it. Where's my pole.. ;-) oh yeah getting better.. maybe share some pics of new tricks.. Pole championship I'm on my way!


The quiz

Others I recommend for Finding your passion!
free guides, 2 courses to find passion and connect with anyone!
(Scott helped me start my blog.. his words are very encouraging! Or maybe it's cuz he is super cute.. so is his wife ;-) )  Mrs Barrie Davenport.. her book The 52 weeks life passion project...awesome!

Come join the 21 day meditation! FREEEEE and we can connect as one!

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