Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I press my cheek to her cheek.. the best my face will reach from behind her as she giggles in my lap.

"No, no nonono.." she repeats in protest as i type these words one handedly on the cell phone.. (i told her i was writing about our very moment)

There is no way to keep up with our moments ..well verbal writing. She has already moved onward, pounced to get her Pricess Bell bank. She is well in the process of showing me all the change she has filled her with.. my change! But my heart has no desire for such material clangor.. no... no...
No my smile grows watching her play.. and practice her newly perfected skill of counting.

I watch..glancing screen to her.. linger longer on her. My eyes start to fill with exceeding joy, in the form of warm wet beads of shimmery liquid. It seems my heart couldn't contain the massive surge of ... Loveeeee

She is hugging me

Sorry had to embrace that one fully. ;-)

I have 5 mins to finish writing. She wants to get on and watch something on youtube while I meditate for 30mins. We have some clothing folding and letter practice to do after our break.

I like to give my kids a break after school, that is if they can continue to shift with ease. Although, I admit, this one is more for me as the headache just won't ease off. I think I may of over done it with the 2 & 1/2 MILE jog to therapy in this wintery weather! Yes, it is flurrying, but I couldn't resist the challenge. I'm too stubborn for my own good! Hahahaha

Thankyou Frank 'giggle' Eagle... haha (still think giggle would of been just as awesome!) THANKYOU for the ride the way back.. the temp did drop quite a bit. Your act of pure kindness helps strengthen my belief in the love&compassion of mankind!!! You have made a friend and are

Okok time is way up.. my 5 yr old is getting better with that time.
Now she has us both cracking up with this weird app take records and changes your voice.

Ahh and my son comes in ..with sour burps.. deadly! Lol tata



QUIET YOUR MIND AND LET YOUR INNER SPIRIT TAKE THE LEAD. Then answer the private journal questions and uncover your inner passions!


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