Saturday, December 21, 2013

Instigate a Mind Fuck

I like that word. LOVE the ideas my mind plays with when pondering that word.
Love words ..creating images.. changing them, shaping them, molding.
Love not understanding til you do.
Love being instigated ...(is that proper use? Lol expand in it anyway)

Lately it has occurred to me that ...I can choose to see ecstasy in words.. feel ecstasy with words. Stories can be wonderful or tormenting or wonderfully tormenting ....choose. The macro can excite the fascination of your own bewilderment; yet the micro focus reveals it is mere verbal cognition,  that stimulates a reaction. Words you give the meaning.
Be proactive. Love it. Get enthused. Be amused. Choose.

Soon you stop choosing and... well.. you may be in love with words... find yourself sexually stimulated with people who can engage your mind so much that you love claiming ignorance when you listen to them speak... write.. sing. They offer a gift for you to unwrap when your inquisitive self won't stop feeding. Their words mentally bitch slap you, demanding your attention; turning you on in every which way... you almost beg for more (consciously and unconsciously).
Heart racing
Body sweaty

...built up heavy

Pleeeeease continune, I'm not finished
Tell me again
The idea hasn't peaked
Throw in volume, rhythm, colors, tone
Paint me a picture
Throw me in overload

Best thing about this deeper awareness, is that YOU create it all! Not them.
Change your mind and change it again! Think, create, expand.... instigate!
Play nice
.....or not. ;-)

Cheers! Xmas! Love love!

P.s. Dance even if no one else can hear your tune... it's liberating!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Go against the grain. Proof you never know what to expect.

Proof that going against the grain can still be fruitful!!!

Real application filled out by an elderly and was hired for his hilarity!

(Neighbor printed it out for me to remind me to keep pushing forward and enjoy every moment! Never really know what may come out of it!)




Monday, December 9, 2013

Free Audiobook / ebook "AS A MAN THINKETH" - James Allen

Free audiobook + ebook of AS A MAN THINKETH by James allen

Come enlighten yourself with this free Audiobook!!! Many more awesome classics!

My heart rejoices as in with all the focused effort.. i shall not be of greater purpose than that of mother teaching her child the wisdom of how to master himself...create his life... bow to his own struggle and learn from himself in grace and peace and forgiving love that spouts from his own cultivated thoughts. We are one step further.. as he willingly joined me, listening to the audiobook "AS A MAN THINKETH" James allen

So the story begins..

My mind won't sit still!
I run through so many to-dos, past events, probably, faces of emotion without names, what if and where do I begin?! Many sequences replaying while desperately trying to check any missing details as frames freeze in minds eye point of view. My heart pulsates the warm blood through my veins faster.. faster! I question if it's anger or a misinterpreted heat advancement of pure adrenaline as my soul longs to rest with gentle forward movements, but the more my mind flutters the more everything awakens to the reality of being alive.

How does one control this power?

I have watched myself flip-flop in loving torment as the scales of balance never seem quite accurate.

Struggle doesn't seem quite the fit of this aware understanding. Flowing seems too passive in any approach.

And then, the foggy gray misty sky, somehow convinces self to soothe in safety of a suppressing barrier. Subdued momentarily, this lavishing chaos.

She smiles.

The rain begins to pour...  inside her head.


I have an obsession with chewy chocolate chip cookies!

Mmmm that sweet, yummy, chunky, chewy, chocolaty, ewwww goodness!
Chewy chocolate chip cookies!!!!

Oh my of all the things i could write about.. I stuck with these new hunger pain for a sugar overdose. Great! (I wonder if sarcasm should be a new hobby as ive been picking up on that today.. (kids movies even))

Ahh laid here 30 mins in the dark conversating the perpetual stories with myself ...again I see cookies. Mm great for a smile, as i have trained myself to crack out in laughter or shift an uneasy focus instantly with just the mere mention to the word cookie (yep there's that smile)... but dang.. no sweets to midnight snack on and ...uhhps im already giggling.

I wonder if anyone else would be willing or already does.. spend like ..umm 100.00 straight just on cookies, so they can have one always on hand

Okay, so it seems we may have a ruling on subject matter.. as my daughter decided to roll to her back, swat her hand down and protest a loud NOOO!
Shes sleeping.. and i think I 've been mumbling all this in my head..
Can she read my mind..? 'dundundundunnnnnn'

Actually I do believe that No was meant for the kitten that is trying to snuggle in the middle of us 2 in bed. We still have our legs intertwined  together,  but my arm needed breathing room as I meticulously peck at these screened key on my cell phone. (Err kris why do you insist on doing things the difficult way?.. lol don't answer that.)

Cookie! ;-)

Ahh yes, my dear cookies! I will come get you and savor every morsel that passes my lips.

Just let me get better.. and my daughter. We are both sick. I have atleast thanked the moment, allah, god, the spiritual realm.. ---- fill in the blank with what you prefer... yes thanked that 500 times this past week. Thanked them all.. for my bed! Then, the kids, cats.. err catdog daisy, heat, togetherness, love, tender smiles and lots of giggles whenever we were awake to attempt to eat! Almost cried tears of sweet joy when I awoke and both my babies were cuddled so tightly, wrapping arms, holding me... and a kitten at my head, yawning her morning breath at me! (Yeah, that smell will stop ya in flowing though for a moment)

Most if all I was thankful for SLEEP. I MEAN SOLID FUCK-YOU I AM NOT GETTING UP kind of sleep.. well me allowing myself the time to heal with sleep and making my kids relax to sleep..(moreso d for tt was ready)

And Orion has jumped up searching for my hands. A picture of my big baby Onyx flashed... brothers.. hmmm
Onyx passed last month.. i love you! My baby!

Yep and another kitten.. what the? She came and smelled my eyeball. Don't ask.. i have no idea.. whatsoever! Just checking on me, I guess..

I'm hungry.. cookieeeeeees!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

1, 2, 3, 4, I Declare Thumb War

How many times do you think you should ask someone to pick their stuff up? How many times before you pick it up yourself?

The answer is up to you.. only you know the reasons, the situation, the chances and your patience. And what worked before might not work again. Or you may be just ready to make a huge ass impact!!!

My kids.. god knows how much I love my babies. My very capable, awesome, creatively, wonderful.... wonderfully messy, sometimes irresponsible, careless children. (AND SOME THOUGHT THEY WERE PERFECT ANGELS!!) Lol

My kids are perfectly imperfect, just like me ..and i wouldn't change it for the world!!! LOVE YOU 2!

BUT, with all that love.. i must teach them about

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Exciting the Excited


Mind going a million miles.. full if grand ideas. Desires pouring out ...soooo excited I wanna cry!

I wanna dance and I wanna show the world! INSPIRE others to open up their MIND BODY SOUL spirit.

I wanna read a million books, get lost in an island of fantasy, learn the ideas of the greats and write my own story..stories!!!! (That counts as 2 right?)

Ok ... read- experience
Write my own

I want to mother.. a natural thing for me...

Kids and animals.. guide with love, encourage them to not limit their dreams and passions!

Plants and greenery.. i can sit for hours talking to the off my loving energy!
(Don't be so quick to judge.. there are studies of growth in plants in a household full of loving talk, hugs, giggles, playful caring vs a house full of arguing, tension, yelling, screaming, fighting. Which house do u think the plants thrived longer in?)

I want to connect but not lose myself like I often do, when I listen to those voices in my head that say Im unworthy, or stupid because I upset someone. I KNOW I AM NONE OF THOSE AND LEARNING THOSE WORDS WERE POINTLESS.. i shall ask why when i hear people speak them!!!

Write about vocabulary ..and why or why not to keep expanding. Vent my confusion with the paradox of this feat.. and since neither can be prevented on global level..or can it.. haha limitless. Well, individual choice it what everything boils down too.

There is no thought of the world, idea, view, words to communicate.. without the self first. If you never expanded... if you didnt know you.. oh my goodness

I keep picturing a baby watching the world..with eyes wide open! A mind at ease, in a sense of no vocabulary, no words for that voice in their brain to vocalize a thought..

But what do u teach? The brain wants to know, do more, explore more.. naturally, so it will pick something up. Environment can be limited for young but how does one start an enlightened adventure for them.. can I even say that? Lol I just did but enlightenment is of self.. awareness.. gzzz how do i word that? I can not know it for them.. they will know it for themselves and dig further with their own questions..own quest.

Aww then my heart aches.. for those little children who grow up only knowing limits or an angry home or violence and hate or too busy parents... too busy to talk about love and freedom of choice and respect but NOT losing your voice..or your right to learn from experience and form your own opinion!!!

...I used to think that not being able to remember much of my childhood past was a problem throughout the yrs.. (I was taught that) .. but now I'm thankful. I NO LONGER LIVE THERE INSIDE..THAT IS WHY IT LEAVES ME. I AM HERE IN THE PRESENT shaping my future. Even as I write.. I know I'm choosing this ..even now.. now..haha.

I also know past still flares up quite often, and disconnecting the emotions as I view those experiences, is getting easier.

I think about when my son had therapy.. (awesomely nice ladies!!!! Thankyou) :-)
Umm yeah.. haha drifted on them a bit

But .. therapy.. there was this time when they were focused on him learning emotions.. expressing them, labeling them, recognizing it in others, etc. Amongst all that, I hoped I could help him see that our job is not to always guess what someone is feeling.  Assuming someones emotions is not always a good thing, and asking gives that person a chance to clarify or recognize their own. 

(haha "always, never". Those words are losing their edge. Time to redefine them into my meaning)
...(gzzz and suddenly "being a leader" takes on another meaning)

Sooo my head hurts.. and I really want to create a new project to change things up for my kids. ENCOURAGE GROWTH OF UPLIFTING AND ...dare i say it.. POSITIVE VOCABULARY,  SO MAYBE THAT VOICE IN THEIR HEAD CAN BEGIN TO USE THOSE WORDS INSTEAD OF THOSE ...UMM errr negative words.

Gzz i need to come to terms with those words. Still trying to reframe their meaning in my own sense.

See good/bad, right/wrong, positive/negative... Inside i see them as labels to simplify or generalize most things that are just self preferences of LIKING OR DISLIKING something. Unfortunately, I can't help but notice how people get so hell bent(upset) of the idea of what they believe is good/bad etc, etc.

It's choice.. individual choice! Omy.. another moment. A rush of Buddha, Thich nhat, Jesus, Deepak..(and Oprah.. lol yes you have been more in focus with this 21 day Meditation Challenge!)
   And, Everyone who mentions PEACE. The possibility is there.. but the idea of it has to change. With freewill there is choice for everything. No one can control anyone.. ONLY YOU CONTROL YOURSELF! <----I have often spoke of this.... but now... "peace must start within for any chance of world peace", absolutely makes sense!

LOL and I'm back where I started..

Now i want to quote that one .... umm through all our travels.. we shall come back to the beginning seeing it for the first time.

FLOW.. NOTICE AND GO.. TO LET GO ..DON'T JUDGE .. Listen and go..

Learning to flow is essential in the concept of peace.. meditation.. and my mind just flooded with a million thoughts..


Ohhh i want to play with those thoughts, but my head feels like its going to explode!!! AND I tell my mind to quiet.. but, "hurt so bad that it feels so good"..haha, keeps playing.

What do i want?

Come join me in DAY 3 of the


Mmm a song chimed in.. Dance? Dance first. ;-)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I press my cheek to her cheek.. the best my face will reach from behind her as she giggles in my lap.

"No, no nonono.." she repeats in protest as i type these words one handedly on the cell phone.. (i told her i was writing about our very moment)

There is no way to keep up with our moments ..well verbal writing. She has already moved onward, pounced to get her Pricess Bell bank. She is well in the process of showing me all the change she has filled her with.. my change! But my heart has no desire for such material clangor.. no... no...
No my smile grows watching her play.. and practice her newly perfected skill of counting.

I watch..glancing screen to her.. linger longer on her. My eyes start to fill with exceeding joy, in the form of warm wet beads of shimmery liquid. It seems my heart couldn't contain the massive surge of ... Loveeeee

She is hugging me

Sorry had to embrace that one fully. ;-)

I have 5 mins to finish writing. She wants to get on and watch something on youtube while I meditate for 30mins. We have some clothing folding and letter practice to do after our break.

I like to give my kids a break after school, that is if they can continue to shift with ease. Although, I admit, this one is more for me as the headache just won't ease off. I think I may of over done it with the 2 & 1/2 MILE jog to therapy in this wintery weather! Yes, it is flurrying, but I couldn't resist the challenge. I'm too stubborn for my own good! Hahahaha

Thankyou Frank 'giggle' Eagle... haha (still think giggle would of been just as awesome!) THANKYOU for the ride the way back.. the temp did drop quite a bit. Your act of pure kindness helps strengthen my belief in the love&compassion of mankind!!! You have made a friend and are

Okok time is way up.. my 5 yr old is getting better with that time.
Now she has us both cracking up with this weird app take records and changes your voice.

Ahh and my son comes in ..with sour burps.. deadly! Lol tata



QUIET YOUR MIND AND LET YOUR INNER SPIRIT TAKE THE LEAD. Then answer the private journal questions and uncover your inner passions!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013


11-5-2013 ONYX- mommies big baby!
I was going to do a beautiful design in his honor, but it seems my facebook got the bulk of my emotional release. I just want to post so he can watch my blog.. and haunt those who have ill intent! BEWARE!!!! XOXOLADYKOXOX

Sunday, November 3, 2013



Dance.. I want to dance all the time! Please put a radio station tuner in my brain so I can have music playing all the in the background.. dance to the beat of my own drum.... lol or whatever song I tune into. Volume would be on one side of my cheek or neck or ear... stations tuned by the other side.

Haha this started while I was doing an online test to finding my passion.
The more I wrote about all the awesome stuff in life, the more my mind kept adding the creativity inside. Wow I really am blessed cuz if find life a blast if im doing nothing or everything.. messy or structured.. over here over there... so asking what I love to do or what takes me away from the notice of time... name it, I bet if you showed me the ropes or gave access to reading up on it.. id be great and enjoy anything!

Errr sooooo what do I reeeeeally want to do? Gzz alot.. and I might have to start with what I don't want to do. I know they say stay at the positive wording.. like "state it as 'I want to be happy and carefree' vs 'I don't want to be stressed' "...but seriously I need to work on clearly identifying what bothers me cuz when you are internally happy for no reason .. it's hard to hold on to any issues. Or maybe it's that I don't stay in that mind frame for I just begin to go again and do what needs to be done.. at my pace. Hmmm or maybe its just how I feel at the moment.. clarity will come.

Anyways my mind keeps playing this song and when I read that question.. "IF YOU HAD ONE WISH... ", I scanned my brain and saw only music and wanted to sway.. so I expressed my passion for dance again and when I have my ear phones on as I jog or walk or where-ever doing whatever.. music in the background just makes it all extra exciting!!!

Ok now all I want to do is ..1.share the song or vid (I will find a way if I really want it!)  2. Watch it ..3. Play it loud and get lost in it. Where's my pole.. ;-) oh yeah getting better.. maybe share some pics of new tricks.. Pole championship I'm on my way!


The quiz

Others I recommend for Finding your passion!
free guides, 2 courses to find passion and connect with anyone!
(Scott helped me start my blog.. his words are very encouraging! Or maybe it's cuz he is super cute.. so is his wife ;-) )  Mrs Barrie Davenport.. her book The 52 weeks life passion project...awesome!

Come join the 21 day meditation! FREEEEE and we can connect as one!

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Just one on the many books I'm reading..  this one comes from the thirst to understand the darker side of me.. the passionately seductive side with a twist.

Blah, blah, blah... Let's get it on! LADIES put you gloves on.. time to get messy! Men just stand there and look pretty, we'll let you know when we're ready!




Why Men Love Bitches is a relationship guide for women who are “too nice.” The word bitch in the title does not take itself too seriously—I’m using the word in a tongue-in-cheek way representative of the humorous tone of this book.

The title and the content address what many women think, but don’t say. Every woman has felt embarrassed by appearing too needy with a man. Every woman has had a man pursue her, only to lose interest the minute she gave in. Every woman knows what it feels like to be taken for granted. These problems are common to most women,married and single alike.

So why do men love bitches? An important distinction should be made between the pejorative way the word is usually used, and the way it is used here. Certainly, I’m not recommending that a woman have an abrasive disposition. The bitch I’m talking about is not the “bitch on wheels” or the mean-spirited character that Joan Collins played on Dynasty. Nor is it the classic “office bitch” who is hated by everyone at work.

The woman I’m describing is kind yet strong. She has a strength that is ever so subtle. She doesn’t give up her life,and she won’t chase a man. She won’t let a man think he has a 100 percent “hold” on her. And she’ll stand up for herself when he steps over the line.

She knows what she wants but won’t compromise herself to get it. But she’s feminine, like a “Steel Magnolia”—flowery on the outside and steel on the inside. She uses this very femininity to her own advantage. It isn’t that she takes undue advantage of men, because she plays fair. She has one thing the nice girl doesn’t: a presence of mind because she isn’t swept away by a romantic fantasy. This presence of mind enables her to wield her power when it is necessary.

In addition, she has the ability to remain cool under pressure. Whereas a woman who is “too nice” gives and gives until she is depleted, the woman with presence of mind knows when to pull back.

Among the hundreds of interviews I conducted with men for the book,over 90 percent laughed and agreed with the title within the first thirty seconds. Some men chuckled as though their best-kept secret had just been revealed. “Men need a mental challenge,” they said. Time and time again, this was the recurrent theme.

The men I interviewed all phrased it slightly differently, but the message didn’t change. “Men like it when a woman has a bit of an edge to her,” they said. Two things became clear across the board: First, they would regularly use the phrase mental challenge to describe a woman who didn’t appear needy. And second, the word bitch was synonymous with their concept of mental challenge. And this characteristic,above all,they found attractive.

When I used the phrase mental challenge with men, it was immediately clear to them the quality I meant. On the other hand,when I interviewed hundreds of women, rarely did they understand the same phrase. They often related the phrase to intelligence, rather than to neediness. It wasn’t just that my hunch was confirmed by these interviews; they also strengthened my sense of purpose. I thought that anything this obvious to men should not be kept a secret from women.

This book addresses the very issues that men won’t. He won’t say,“Look,don’t be a doormat,” “Don’t always say yes,” “Don’t revolve your whole world around me.” This book is necessary because these are things a man will not spell out for his partner. In the chapters that follow, you’ll find one message coming through loud and clear: Success in love isn’t about looks;it’s about attitude. The media would have us believe differently. A teenage girl picks up a magazine and reads: “Get that boy’s attention” with an item of clothing, or a certain look. “This nail color or lipstick will wow him,” the magazine assures her. And what does the girl learn? How to obsess over someone else’s approval.

Then there is the issue of how the media treats aging. The teenage woman evolves into a twenty-something woman with confidence, and the media bombards her with negative images of aging. The message here is: Two wrinkles and a stretch mark, and she’s “marked down” like last season’s merchandise that’s sold at half price. And what does she learn?How to obsess over someone else’s disapproval.

So what’s the message of this book? It’s that a bit of irreverence is necessary to have any self-esteem at all. Not irreverence for people, but rather, for what other people think. The bitch is an empowered woman who derives tremendous strength from the ability to be an independent thinker,particularly in a world that still teaches women how to be self-abnegating. This woman doesn’t live someone else’s standards,only her own. This is the woman who plays by her own rules, who has a feeling of confidence, freedom,and empowerment. And it’s this feeling that I hope women will glean from reading this book.

The woman who has a positive experience with men possesses the ever-so-subtle qualities I discuss in this book: a sense of humor and an aura that conveys, “I’m driving the train here. I’ll tell you where we get on and where we get off.” This woman has that presence of mind to do what is in her best interest and an attitude that says she doesn’t need to be there. She is there by choice.

The bitchy women who are so loved by men give off a devil-may-care quality and, yes, have that “edge.” This is that same edge, coincidentally,that men say they find so magnetic. The difference is this woman isn’t looking for it outside herself;it is a special quality she carries within.


(Due to the fact that my laptop has crashed, I'm stuck with my cell for writing and the Html editor is non compliant.. (lil shit) uhhg! Sooo with neatness.. my hands are tied (so to speak ;-) )  Donations anyone?) Lol


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Just breathe

Just breathe..

Take a slow deep breathe! Ahh yes.. that is life..
More important.. that heartbeat or breathe? Few mins without oxygen and you can become brain dead..

I awoke to my 5yr old daughter wheezing.. lungs just a rattling. My heart stops and mind races to where i put her emergency inhaler. I pray it hasn't gotten moved out of place.

Thankgod it's there, but 2 puffs has only done half the job. A breathing treatment is in order.  Where is panda?  Pause

She is fighting this one.. unintentionally as i have not made her fully awake. I hold mr elephant mask over her face as she dreams ..breathing ..breathing in medicine. I watch her chest..

My angel, so much life, such a personality!

Reactive Respiratory Disease what doctor calls it.. ..(&$#&**$#) my frustration calls it. Why? Why not? Shes too young side cries. Quick healer.. another side trys to calm me. Give it to me, I'll suffer for her.... all of me cry (tears start with that one)

Im distracted from my mental battle as i hear her lips smack..and there she goes rubbing her nose. Im brought back to yesterdays image ..blood everywhere from a nose bleed ..stupid cold weather!

I think of Hawaii.. lol actually i'd be quite satisfied anywhere near water and 70 degree consistency. Hawaii just brings fun imagery of hula skirts and me trying to learn the cultural dances!! My daughter would be there dancing right along ..son.. well he wont admit it til he is doing it..but he would dance too. Of course he'd be throwing his own mix.. (i have videos of this).

There you go.. smile and embrace the blessings of children.

"I'm so sorry," people say...
Don't be.. i love being the one to take care of her. I know I am giving my all. Pray and send love to her..

She turns to cuddle my side just now. Can she feel this outpour.. this energy?

She is struggling alot less.. thankyou. I don't usually like to talk about the health issues ..mostly because there is nothing more to do than what we already. Annnd I'm a bigger believer on WHERE YOUR FOCUS GOES, THERE IT WILL GROW. Well ..the moment calls for focus but afterwards worry and over concern is futile. I do not want to bubble her from people .. the list of reasons are many from building germ resistance to the loving spirit she brings to everyone.

School full of kid sickness and this weather seems to be triggers. At home, during summer she is fine. Last yr was the same.. and dang the prek schooling she missed. Already 12 days missed this yr and full winter has not hit.

-sigh- oh that breath.. deep breath ...

I got lost watching her again..her lip quiver and eyes dance under her eyelids.. take note of the rain.. the kittens with mama luna.. lol sophia asleep in tts open dresser drawer.. daisy curled up on top of a shirt... panda bear smiling

EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT.. a musical symphony strikes up inside.

Think I'll try to catch a few zzz's with ..less than 1hr til wake up! Errr! Please music wake me well.

Gonna be alright.. ;-)


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The voices..

Here's a good thing to try.. if you get bored in a store!

When someones voice comes on over the store intercom...
1.suddenly stop( I like to make some weird screech or noise just to make sure you grab someones attention)..

2.Look around in terror.. maybe lower yourself a little..

3. Whine..scream.. whisper to a holler.. (add your own creative drama here) and say.. "Ahhh the voices.. they just wont leave me alone!!!!!"

If you crumple and cover your head you may get a few people to console.."ahh sweetie, its ok. It's just the loudspeaker."
-milk it and act totally aware of this phenomenon
-have fun with it.. extend the drama and ball up on the floor. Or some crazy spaz.

When your bored with that.. jump up and take your bow.. dont wait for applause.. just taking in the many freaked faces and giggle while you skip away!
(Watch out for the purse swat if it was an elderly..annoyed)

-OR THANK her or whomever and announce to everyone that she/they? ? deserve a medal of honor for their heroic caring heart..where fear or judgement or amusement of ones demise could not contain the urge to help with loving compassion!!
(In short love surpassed self)

Talk about a movement...

Oh my goodness.. my mind just flooded with stories of the store!!!

Did I tell you about the time barbie overcame army men in lego land?

-yes barbie was still in the box
-no we did not open the net bag..the army men were already spilling out
-yes we did take the plastic strap off the lego box (other one was off already) they slip right back on..
-yes we opened the legos and sat in the isle for an hour or more building property n sorts

THANKS TO THE FEW PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T TELL OR COMPLAIN ON ME AND MY KIDS.. Even deeper thanks to those who let their kids join for a moment.

And my cell is dying... Smile

Ps.. didn't get in trouble.. the store person just asked me to clean up
(consequences are not always what we think they will be.. either way you choose how you feel about them.. thats what makes them good or bad)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Ideas of things to do with your kids

Tents (any blanket will do)
- Ghost stories under covers with a flashlight!
-Water Balloon Fight
- Pillow fight
– Slip & Slide Down a Hill
- Plastic storage container sled in snow
– Go on a bike ride
– Pack a picnic & walk to the park
– Nature Walk
– Campout in the backyard
– Go to the Splash Pad
–Get creative with sidewalk chalk
– Blow bubbles
– Go to the Zoo
– Fly kites
– Visit a farm
– Go to the farmer’s market
– Go fishing
– Make homemade popsicles
–Catch bugs
– Go on a treasure hunt
– Set up a playdate at the park
– Play frisbee
–Play 4 square or dodgeball
– wash the car
–Go swimming
– Go on a scavenger hunt
–Visit a local state park
– Set up a lemonade stand
– Feed the ducks
- Pillow fight!
– Go to story time @ library
– Visit a fire department
– Go to a local museum
–Make sock puppets
– Make racecars out of cardboard boxes – Learn some jokes and do stand up comedy at home
– Become a pen-pal
– Make homemade play-doh
–Have an “Un-birthday” party
– Play dress up
– Go bowling
– Build a fort use the kitchen table
– Have a pajama party with popcorn and movies
– Bake some yummy cookies
– Go to a child’s indoor gym
– Put on a puppet show
– Go to the movies
– Go to Grandma’s house
–Have a dance party
– Visit a nursing home
–Cook together
– Color
– Make finger puppets
– Indoor obstacle course
- Obstacle course for pets

Love that smile

Holy shit!

Yes i said and ..ill say it again. Holy shit! Goshhh that feels good! I wrote some awesome stuff.. i tried to go with the flow.. breathe it out. Come back to it later.. ahhhhhhh

Lol no really lol. I guess i still got some work to do buddha, thac.. ..hanh dude whose name i can never remember. And i refuse to save this post so i can look it up ...cuz i did save with the previous.. but came back to all my writing missing. Posted any how... err

And that was one big run on sentence in my mind.

Although ... thankyou. This is an awesome learning experience. And it got me thinking about outlets.. emotional outlets. Which connected to another to another ...thoughts saved for later...

Im gonna say it. Holy shit!!!!



Makes me think of a song..


2% through the daily THANKS by Thai, Zen on Kindle for Android!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Just begin ...again

I am creative energy
Paused in breath
Amped and ready
When I say yes
I am flowing thought
Bountiful and free
Expressed in action
Life in and out of thee
I am a pLaYfUl child
Born of wonder and delight
Exploring with my senses
Energy Unite
Intensive pleasure
A passionate Radiant being
One cannot begin to measure
I am soft and flowing
Elegantly Bright
Gracefully dancing
In the golden light
I am in-tuned and mystical
An adventurous creature
Grounded while flying
My magnetic feature
Only a breath
LABEL me whatever
I'll simply say Yes
...And then I'll begin again..
CaReFrEe me
Inspired while dancing to Lindsey Sterling - ELEMENTS
Watch "Elements - Lindsey Stirling (Dubstep Violin Original Song)" on YouTube